The Power

This was a truth that was taught in the very earliest teachings to a Jewish child. It’s the most basic of training. So I’m not sure why, in trying to trap Jesus in what He said, the expert in religious law asked of Jesus the question—“Which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?” Did he think Jesus wouldn’t support the foundational laws of the Jewish religion? It really does me no good to speculate on anyone’s intentions, so let’s just look at Jesus’ answer and take our learning from that.

Not only did Jesus give the very central truth of the faith, saying that it was the first and greatest command, but He added a second—Love your neighbor as yourself. We’ve all probably heard messages around these two most important commands multitudinous times, but I want to look at what He completed His statement with—All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.

Jesus came to earth to bring a new direction. Up to this time everything looked backward to the Law and the Prophets (our old testament in the Bible basically), but Jesus came to bring a forward look—eternity with God, reconciliation of our souls with our Maker. The Law showed how flawed we are, the prophets of the old testament time pointed out our sinfulness—all that separates us from God. However, in this statement Jesus doesn’t do away with the old to bring in the new. He affirms the old. The ten commandments are still in play folks.

What I love about this dispensation in which we now live is that Jesus, once He’d died, rose from the dead, and returned to the Father, sent the third part of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, Who resides in every believer gives us the power to live up to the Law and the Prophets (Eph. 1:19-20). 

My husband prayed in our morning prayer together, that God would order our moments and hours. I love that. Without God ordering my moments and hours today I will go it on my own. In my own power I can only accomplish tasks. In His power I can affect lives. In His power I can choose to do right—I can choose to not sin against Him. In His power I can truly love the Lord with all my heart, my soul, and my mind.